Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's been a while since I have written anything on here. My purpose was to have this blog be a summer thing. Something that I could share with people who were interested in what I was doing here. Also it was a way to share prayer requests. This blog was also for myself. It was something I could use to get my thoughts and concerns and praises out. Well Summer (the season) officially ended a few days ago and I have decided to keep this blog going.

To update you all, life in Hartford is good. I will soon be moving upstairs to live in community. I really think it's going to be an interesting experience. I have been working at the daycare in Rocky Hill for about 1 month now. It's going pretty well but the hours I have right now are pretty annoying. (just about every evening to about 9 or 11) That makes it hard to meet people and make friends. But Praise God, I think I found a church! I am really excited about it and have started meeting people and making friends.

The past month has been a month and a half has been a season in my life like no other. With the loss of my grandmother I was taken to a place that I longed to be for so long, the loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. Much of the summer I had a lot of fear and a lot of doubt, making it hard to really feel close to Him. Since then life has been great. When everything seemed to crash down around me I was okay. All I could do was trust that the Lord had this in His hands. Through the tears, I would praise Him.

This brings us to now and I want to share a cool story that happened last night:

Last night was such a blessing. I had the chance to serve dinner to the Destiny Children's Choir from Kampala, Uganda. This was so good. They were all so nice and funny too! And their Joy?! wow so amazing. It was so good and I learned a lot just by being with them for a short amount of time. After dinner was over they called us into the dining room and clapped and thanked us for our service. We were then lovingly embraced by the hugs of 17 beautiful children of God. Before we left them for the night they wanted to pray for us "African Style" is what Solomon called it! They laid their hands on us and all prayed different prayers but at the same time. Some prayed in English and some prayed in a different language (lugandan I think I heard it called) Honestly it was beautiful.

Later at Elevate, our Saturday night service, some of the kids and leaders came. It was so good to worship with them. It's a beautiful thing when people from all different places come together and worship the living God in spirit and in truth. We stood in the dark room, hands raised up high, UNITED! So so so so amazing.

Things in Hartford are going pretty well! Last night at Elevate while I was praying, I felt God telling me to get involved in more things in the North End. Particularly things relating to making sure people are fed. He was moving through that room! I love this new church and I am so glad that I found it!

God is so good and loving and patient and amazing.

1 Timothy 1:12
I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service.